Thursday, May 28, 2020

Ah memories...

Hey interwebs!  So it's been, what, 4 years?  haha  Things have moved quite along since I started this thread.  I happened back upon this ol' blog and read through it, my how things have changed.  I really wish I'd kept up more. 

Just got a new driveshaft, fixed a ton of leaks in the engine (wear and tear I guess), and replaced the clockspring (it went bad or something, couldn't honk my horn or use steering wheel controls).  Total bill was... more than I'm going to type, but rhymes with "In The Fousands".  Other than that... not sure what else I've done in the last 4 years that's major.  Still have the same lift, shoot still on the same tires...  I did do a lot of lighting and fender area mods.  I got some Poison Spyder wheel well inserts and the cheapest flat fenders you can buy.  I put colored lights in the wheels wells and in the grill, white rock lights on the undercarriage, purple light strips in the cab, cube lights on the pillars, light bar on the bumper, cube lights on the rear, pod device to wire it all... ok so I have done a few things.  haha

I'm sitting here imagining describing in any detail my installation processes and posting pics and links, and... don't want to.  Maybe a later post, one on each or something.  For now though I will leave you with a pic of the Colonel.  (oh, also got a new soft top and prob a lot of other things I'm not remembering at the moment).