I told you. I told you. I can't save money. :(
Other side of that coin: I got some AWESOME STUFF!!!!@#WEFQ#$^WA%H#%
I finally, FINALLY pulled the trigger on a yellow SpiderWebShade.
This guy. I of course don't have it yet to show you, but this is a pic I totally pirated off their website (not my Jeep):
http://www.spiderwebshade.com |
The coolest thing about them in my opinion (aside from the fun colors) is that you don't have to remove it to put the top back up. So now I'll essentially have a yellow headliner all the time! Yay yellow!
Before I tell you my next purchase, let me 'splain. Rain was in the forecast for Wednesday, but it ended up raining (pretty hard actually) on Tuesday. I currently have the top down and doors off and I didn't feel like scrambling to put them all back on, it's supposed to be pretty clear for the rest of the week. Anyway, I had another option- get a cab cover. I'd been wanting one since
Go Topless Day anyway (keep sand and possible rain and junk out of the Jeep overnight), but now I wanted one RIGHT AWAY. So I went to 4 Wheel Parts (I'll probably post on them later) and got one. But I broke my rule, it's made by Stupidbilt. I would link to it, but I'm not completely sold on it yet and don't want to lead anyone astray.
Overall it fits pretty good, and honestly if I didn't have doors-off removable side mirrors or running boards it would probably fit perfectly. As it is though, the mirror brackets prevent the side of the cover from completely covering the doorway, and the rails limit my bottom bracket placement options. The end result is a gap between the cover and body at the doorway.
So this cover will keep the rain out of the big areas I'm pretty sure. The fabric itself is rated as "water resistant", not "water proof", but man, it's pretty thick and plasticy. That said, it probably won't be a bad idea to hit it with some water sealer for tents or something. Also, without the top on, the middle of the top of the cover sags down quite a bit. I could totally see water pooling. I think if it came down to it I would put the top up, put the cover on, and at least have protection over the open windows and the majority of the doorways.
That said, look at that gap! Again, it's not really the cover's fault, it's the mirror bracket placement and there's not much to do about it. Perhaps I could move the mirrors to the lower position (the bottom two bolts in the pic), but I played with that when I first put the mirrors on and it didn't work extremely well. I don't want to just remove them all together, even "temporarily". It's not a HUGE gap, and it is a Jeep after all... The cover is really more of an emergency flooding mitigation tool anyway, I didn't expect an airtight seal or anything. But what about that eyelet hole? Seriously? What's that thing all about?
Jeep Wave Count: Still need to tally. :-/