Friday, April 10, 2015

Just Hitched

When I bought my Jeep, part of the deal was to get a hitch installed at a later time.  The sales guy and I agreed on a "hitch".  After I left the dealership, I started wondering what that meant.  Just a"hitch", or the wiring for a trailer as well?  I called my sales guy about it and he said it would just be the hitch, not the wiring as well.  I was bummed.  I mean, you discuss getting a hitch with someone and you just kind of expect the wiring is part of that package.  I tried to just get over it, I could have wiring installed later.

To set the stage for the next part of the story, first of all I'll say that my sales guy was really nice and I liked him a lot actually.  He did his job well and he was really cool and forthcoming about everything I got it in my mind to discuss.  I do think he was new to his job and he wasn't the most knowledgeable in the world about the Jeep he was selling us.  I know that just comes with time.  For instance, the Jeep Sport comes in one of four packages- the 33b, the 34b, the 33s, and the 34s.  The "b" means "base" I guess, standard no frills, and the "s" means "Sport S".  "Sport S" means bigger wheels (16" base, 17" 'S') and some leather in the interior (steering wheel and shift knob), probably along with some other interior things that allow for other options.  The 33 and 34 indicate a Standard or Automatic transmission.  Point is, these are all things I understood going in.  It was a mystery to my sales guy.  Gone are the days when you can talk to a professional that knows more than you do apparently.  :-/  Great guy, but hard to work with a little.  The whole dealership was kind of like that - every department.

So I finally called to get an appointment to get the hitch installed.  Got put on hold.  Hung up, tried to schedule through the web.  Got a call from the dealership a few hours later.  The guy on the other end, I kid you not, told me it was a beautiful day for a drive in a brand new Jeep, when was I going to come by and check one out?  This as I sat on my bluetooth talking to him from within the Jeep I'd just bought from them a week ago.  He was all, "...oh yeah, you bought the yellow one, right?"  Yep.  Where's my hitch?  I thought he was calling about the hitch appointment, mentioned that, and he said he'd help me with it.  He put me down for Thursday.

Wednesday rolls around and I called to verify my appointment.  After numerous minutes on hold and being transferred between about 3 different departments, I finally found out the appointment never got made.  :-|  So I scheduled it for the next day as planned.  I asked to talk to someone who knew  what I was going to get (hitch AND wiring?), got transferred a few times, people didn't know what they were talking about, who I was, what I wanted, it was maddening.  I finally talked to a parts guy that seemed to know what he was talking about and he indicated that "hitch" did indeed mean wiring as well.  Well, at least there's that.  Score.

I took the Jeep in for my appointment and let the dice fall as they may.  The dude I left the car with was kind of short with me.  Gone are the days of professional courtesy as well I guess.  About 3 hours later I got a call telling me the Jeep was done, and I asked the guy if I got the wiring, and if so if it was a 4-pin or 7-pin set up.  There's another story with that debacle, but I digress.  It's a long, un-amusing, and similar story.  Anyway, he said he had no idea, he didn't really know about that stuff.  ?!?  Really parts guy?  You don't?

Whatever.  I went to pick it up, and Lo!  A hitch - with wiring!  It's 4-pin, but that's ok.  I'm not sure I'll ever need the 7-pin anyway.

Nice, clean wiring harness!
 I was so excited I tried to put my bike rack on as soon as I got home from work.  I haven't been able to use the rack for years since I traded in my XTerra for the Eclipse.  I popped it on... and, well, hmm...

Just an inch or two off!  Dangit!  Is nothing easy?  Well, at least I have the hitch.  I'll just need to pick up an extender.  Looks like I can pick one up for about $35 that'll do the trick.  The saga continues...

Jeep Wave Count:  17

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