The side windows in a Jeep attach via zippers and velcro. The attachment is pretty rock solid and sealed tight. That is except for the front edge of the side windows - the oncoming wind facing edge. (Note to reader: The last statement is incorrect, I'm getting there...)
When I bought my Jeep, I was given a pretty dinky little instruction manual and a quick demonstration on how to put the top up and down by a guy who wasn't familiar with the 2015 system. I thought I had an understanding of how the side windows attached. There are little L-brackets on the front edge of the windows that got held in place by the pressure generated between the closed door and the door frame. (Note to reader: Another incorrect statement, still getting there)
I drove around town to work and back for the week with no problems. The weekend came and we headed off to Houston for a trip (see previous post). Once I got the Jeep up to 60 or so, the front edge of the side window popped out from between the door frame and door and became a gaping pocket. Wind was rushing in, it was loud, it was damaging looking, it was not right. I stopped and thought, well, maybe the Jeep isn't supposed to go as fast as 60? Ridiculous, but the top was secured correctly! (false statement) I reset the top into the (in)correct position and decided to keep it slower, about 55. We got a few miles down the highway and it popped out again. This went on for 5 hours (should have been a 3.5 to 4 hour drive). Keep it to 55 (75mph speed limit), pull over, fix, keep it to 55......
I was pretty livid. I couldn't understand why the Jeep would be made this way. Every other side - but the WIND facing side - was totally secured! What brainiac engineer made such a stupid design decision!? I was about to sue everyone, buy a new top, sell the Jeep, whatever I had to do. I was not happy as I putted along I-45 at 55mph, looking in the side-view mirror to see the gaping hole in my car. What if it rained!?
So anyway, we finally got to Houston and I was instantly on the interwebs looking for articles, new tops, instructions, whatever I could find. And I found it. After reading over and over to tuck the L-brackets into the door frame, it finally started clicking. To put the final nail in my ignorance coffin I watched this YouTube video, linked here for your viewing pleasure:
I don't know how to succintly describe what I was doing wrong, or how one does it correctly. Basically there is a step where you wedge those L-brackets back around behind the door frame. Doing so seals and secures THE HECK out of the side window. I can't believe I bone-headed it so completely. You look at it once you've done it right and it's really a "duhhhh...." moment. So I connected the windows correctly and can now travel as fast as I please. ...Well, it IS still a Jeep.
Jeep Wave Count: 14
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